Can B12/MIC Injections Complement GLP-1 Weight-Loss Treatment?

Paul Hetrick, PharmD
July 19, 2024
4 minutes

What is GLP-1 Therapy?

Glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1) therapy involves a group of drugs that work similar to a hormone that helps your body make insulin and control the amount of sugar in your blood. These drugs are used to help manage diabetes and obesity as part of an overall weight-loss plan that also includes diet and exercise.  

People who take GLP-1 drugs in addition to diet and exercise experience greater weight loss in a shorter amount of time. While proven effective, they are not without side effects. GLP-1 drugs may cause side effects such as nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, or constipation. Eating slowly, smaller meals, and drinking plenty of water can reduce the likelihood of these side effects. 

What are B12/MIC injections?

Vitamin B12 is often combined with MIC, which stands for methionine, inositol, and choline. These are amino acids and nutrients typically found in foods such as meats, fish, nuts, eggs, and dairy products. 

They can be safely injected into the body, usually one or two times per week based on your medical provider’s recommendation. Sometimes these injections are given when your body has too little Vitamin B12. 

What are the benefits of B12/MIC injections?

B12/MIC injections have several health benefits. They can boost metabolism, increase energy levels, improve sleep quality, and combat Vitamin B12 deficiencies. They can improve nerve function and boost red blood cells. You may also notice a decrease in your appetite and food cravings while taking B12/MIC injections. 

Vitamin B12 may also help keep your bones strong. It’s been shown that Vitamin B12 can help maintain bone density and reduce the chance of suffering from a fracture. This is especially important for older women who may be at a higher risk for fractures. 

Methionine helps your liver process fats and remove toxins from your body. Inositol can help reduce cholesterol levels, and it aids in converting food into the energy our body needs. Choline is required for the transport of fat in the body. It can help prevent the accumulation of fat in the liver. 

All of these ingredients combine to make a powerful injection that may assist the body in several critical functions. B12/MIC injections can be a key addition to an overall wellness and health program. 

Is it a good idea to add B12/MIC injections to GLP-1 treatment?

GLP-1 drugs are known to slightly increase the risk of Vitamin B12 deficiency. These drugs may affect your stomach in a way that reduces the amount of Vitamin B12 your body can absorb. This can result in a Vitamin B12 deficiency over time which may contribute to the adverse effects seen with these drugs. 

Studies have shown that people with low Vitamin B12 levels are more likely to be overweight or obese. Vitamin B12 is also a key vitamin that helps your body break down fats for energy. This function may aid someone taking a GLP-1 drug for weight loss. 

More research is needed to definitively say that B12/MIC injections help increase weight loss in patients already taking GLP-1 drugs. B12/MIC injections might however be a great compliment to GLP-1 therapy and reduce the likelihood of some of the side effects associated with those drugs. Ask your healthcare provider if adding B12/MIC injections to your GLP-1 treatment is right for you. 

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