Effectively Managing GLP-1 Side Effects

Dr. Rehan Umar
Alan Meds Clinical Advisor
February 20, 2024
7 minutes

Starting a weight loss journey often involves making conscious choices, including the use of medications to support your efforts. GLP-1 medications (such as Semaglutide and Tirzepatide) are designed to assist with weight loss, but like any medication, they may come with potential side effects. In this article, we'll explore practical strategies to manage these side effects, ensuring a smoother and more comfortable path to achieving your health goals.

Understanding GLP-1 Medications for Weight Loss

GLP-1 (glucagon-like peptide-1) receptor agonists like Semaglutide and Tirzepatide can reduce appetite and promote weight loss. It’s important to be aware of potential side effects, which, while possible, are generally transient and mild to moderate in severity for most people.

Common Side Effects & Management

Most common side effects with GLP-1 medications are temporary gastrointestinal-related side effects, including nausea, vomiting, diarrhea and constipation.

Overall, general management for GI-related side effects include: 

  • Eating slowly
  • Eating only if you are really hungry
  • Eating smaller portions
  • Avoid lying down after having a meal
  • Stop eating in case of feeling of fullness
  • Increasing meal frequency 

Nausea and Vomiting: 

  • Nausea is a common side effect when starting GLP-1 medications for weight loss. Nausea is typically higher during the first 4–5 weeks of treatment, when stomach emptying is more significantly delayed, and decreases thereafter. Symptoms should be moderate and disappear within a week of their onset.
  • To alleviate nausea, try taking your medication with food, eating smaller, more frequent meals, and staying hydrated. If nausea persists, discuss options with your healthcare provider, including antiemetic or prokinetic medications.


  • Diarrhea may occur during the first four weeks of treatment, but typically decreases thereafter. If it persists, consult your healthcare provider about using probiotics or antidiarrheal supplements like loperamide.


  • Constipation can appear within the first 16 weeks of treatment, especially in the initial 28 days. To manage this, ensure adequate hydration, consume a fiber-rich diet, and avoid spicy or greasy foods.


  • Reflux and bloating are also common in the first few weeks of treatment. These symptoms are typically temporary and resolve over time. 
  • Medications such as proton-pump inhibitors or H2-blockers can be considered on a temporary basis. 

Loss of Appetite:

  • A reduced appetite is a known effect of GLP-1 medications. While this can aid in weight loss, ensure you’re still getting sufficient nutrients by focusing on nutrient-dense foods and possibly eating smaller, more frequent meals.

Injection Site Reactions: 

  • As GLP-1 medications are administered via injection, some users may experience redness or irritation at the injection site. To minimize this, rotate injection sites and use proper injection techniques.

Additional Recommendations

  • Start with a Lower Dose: Begin with a lower dose of GLP-1 medication and gradually increase it. This can help your body adjust to the medication, potentially reducing the severity of side effects.
  • Regular Communication with Healthcare Provider: Keep your healthcare provider informed about any side effects you’re experiencing. They can offer personalized advice, adjust your dosage, or suggest alternative strategies to manage side effects effectively. If you have questions about dosage, you can always reach out to your doctor in your Alan Meds patient portal.


Embarking on a weight loss journey with GLP-1 medications requires a proactive and informed approach to manage potential side effects effectively. Open communication with your healthcare provider, adopting healthy lifestyle habits, and making gradual adjustments can contribute to a successful weight loss journey. Remember, individual responses to medication may vary, so work closely with your healthcare team to tailor these strategies to your specific needs. Achieving your weight loss goals with semaglutide is a journey, and managing side effects is a crucial part of ensuring a positive and comfortable experience.

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